Tell me a better way to start the new year than with decluttering. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy for our homes and workspaces to become cluttered with things we no longer need. But what if decluttering could be the key to unlocking a more peaceful, productive, and joyful life?
Decluttering is an important way to not only keep your space clean and tidy, but also to boost your mood and productivity, reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus and organization, and help you improve your financial wellbeing.
In this blog, I’ll be sharing about the things I discovered during my decluttering session that need to be thrown out, restocked or used up.

Things to Throw Out
During my decluttering, I found bottles and tubes of beauty and personal care products that were way past their expiration date. I had stale nail polish, expired hair care and skincare products, and old unused makeup. A few of these items were in storage and I completely forgot about them or they were just there and I never found the time or desire to reach for them and use them. These had to go in the bin because it is scary and unsafe to be applying expired products on your body.
I had a set of headphones that stopped working a long time ago and I didn’t want to part with them because I was hopeful that perhaps if I gave them a break and used them later, they would start working again. Sadly, they were never brought back to life.
I had to say goodbye to my old calendar because it was a new year and I did not need it anymore.
I kept several boxes and cute packaging in room from online purchases because I thought I would eventually need or use them for storing little things/trinkets or gift giving but it ended up cluttering my room. After almost a year, I finally found the courage to let them go and make space.
With the number of pens, markers and highlighters I own, it’s not possible to use up all of them. Some sadly ran out of ink or dried up and were no longer usable. I threw out a bunch of old pens and markers and will not be needing to purchase more for a little while.
I have one tube left of my favorite sunscreen and will need to restock it very soon. I usually order 3 tubes at a time and these last me a few months. Restocking sunscreen is definitely on my to-do list.
I bought a big bottle of rubbing alcohol last year and use it to refill spray bottles that I keep on my desk or in my purse so that I can easily sanitize my hands when I need to. The big bottle is now empty and the spray bottles are on their way so I definitely need to buy a big bottle next time I go shopping.
I use cotton rounds for removing my makeup with micellar water, applying toner and skincare, and cleaning my nails with nail polish remover. I am also thinking about buying reusable cotton rounds which are a sustainable alternative. But I need to do more research and see which brand is worth it or if the product itself will work for me.

I found not one, not two but 7 bottles of lotion in my room. Each bottle is screaming to be used up and emptied so I will definitely not be buying any new lotion this year. I am hoping I use up all the lotion I own before the end of the year and before their expiration dates.
I have 5 tubes of lip gloss and 3 are already very close to empty. I think it is a very big achievement to use up an entire tube of lip gloss so this makes me very happy. I will most probably empty the 3 lip glosses then buy just one new light shade/clear lip gloss so I will have a good selection of lip glosses: 1 glitter gloss, 1 deep shade one, 1 light shade/clear one.
I love Vaseline and I have a good tub of it left. However, it is going to expire in a few months so I will have to use it up before then. I use it everywhere; lips, face, feet, hands, elbows, ankles and dry patches on my body. It is an amazing, multi-purpose product. I am already getting excited just thinking about getting a new tub.
I have a few bottles of perfume that I alternately use. I do not see the need to buy more or start a big collection of perfume because it seems so wasteful and unnecessary to collect things that have a shelf life or get used up eventually. Right now, I am happy with the few scents I have and hopefully, use them up by the end of the year.

There you have it. My decluttering diary for the month of January.
I believe decluttering can be a simple yet daunting task but doing it is transformative and fulfilling. When you make decluttering a constant thing, you are creating a habit that brings positive change in your life. You are creating more space for yourself and the things that actually matter to you and getting rid of things that do not bring you joy or no longer fit your lifestyle.
When you feel like life is getting overwhelming, try decluttering a small space in your home, like your desk, your bookshelf or your closet. You will feel so much better and motivated afterwards.
Much love, Sabel